Awards, Events, Interviews
January 14, 2022: Reading from A Googly in the Compound at the Zoroastrian Center, Houston, Texas, followed by a hearing of the second movement from Desai's Symphony in C.
April 5, 2021: Zoom talk with a class of music history at Roosevelt University in Chicago, Illinois, about Brahms in relation to TRIO
December 6, 2019: Talk about TRIO; a Novel Biography of the Schumanns and Brahms, at the Dublin School in Dublin, New Hampshire
December 7, 2019: Reading from TRIO at the Toadstool Bookstore in Peterborough, New Hampshire
July 28: Reading from TRIO at the Book Cellar with Carolyn Brewer and Chelsea Fiddyment.

December 19: TRIO selected one of the BEST BOOKS OF 2016 by Kirkus Reviews.
August 15: TRIO receives the Kirkus Star, awarded 2-5% of their reviews (read the review on the TRIO page).
June 26: Reading from TRIO at the Niles Public Library in Niles, Illinois.
May 12: Reading from TRIO at Wyndemere in Wheaton, Illinois, to complement the performance of Brahms Clarinet Trio.
April 1, 2, 3: Performances of Clara, a chamber opera adapted from TRIO in Madison, WI.
November 30: The first chapter of Brahms Comes to Dinner (a short novel culled from TRIO) wins first place in a contest of first chapters.
October 28: Interview regarding TRIO with Cheryl Nason Inside the Writer's Cafe.
June 29: Publication of TRIO; a Novel Biography of the Schumanns and Brahms (now in one volume).
March 15: The Elephant Graveyard, an unpublished novel, wins the Dana Award for novels.
June 1: The first chapter of The Elephant Graveyard (previously Black Elephant), an unpublished novel, wins first prize in a contest of first chapters.
May: A short fiction, "The Boy from Chicago," wins first place in a contest of short fiction.
April: The Lesbian Man, an unpublished novel, is shortlisted for the Dana Award.
October 1: The first chapter of The Lesbian Man, an unpublished novel, wins first prize in a contest of first chapters.
July 18: Publication of Dancing About Architecture; a Songwriter's Guide to the Lennon-McCartney Catalog.
July 25: Reading from TRIO at the Nehru Center in London, England.
January 28: The short story, "Just Another Cuckoo!!" is a finalist in the New Millennium writing competition.
July 14: Black Elephant is a finalist for the Noemi Award for Best Unpublished Novel.

November 17: Reading from TRIO sponsored by the American Association of University Women.
November 15: "The Bright White Sky," a Vietnam War poem, is a finalist in the Winning Writers contest of war poems.
April 6: Black Elephant, an unpublished novel, is the first runner-up for the Dana Award.
March 2: Reading from TRIO at Cymroza Art Gallery in Mumbai, India.
June 21: Reading from A Woman Madly in Love, sponsored by Northwestern University's School of Continuing Studies.
April 23: Reading from TRIO at Roosevelt University, Chicago.
May 21: "The Other Side of the Picture" Interview with Arnavaz Mama for Parsiana in Mumbai, India.
April 1: "Writer, Dreamer, Wanderer" Interview with C. Sujit Chandra Kumar for Hindustan Times in Mumbai, India.
March 28: Reading from Servant, Master, Mistress at Oxford Bookstore, Mumbai, India.
March 21: Readings from A Woman Madly in Love and Servant, Master, Mistress at The Attic, New Delhi, India.
March 16: Readings from Servant, Master, Mistress, and Soonamai Desai of Navsari (a biography of my grandmother) in Mumbai, India.
February 24: Reading from A Woman Madly in Love during Mumbai's Kitab Festival, Oxford Bookstore, Mumbai, India.
April 22: Interview on Open Forum Radio Program in Houston, Texas.
April 21, 7:30p: Reading from TRIO at the Zoroastrian Center, Houston, Texas.
April 21, 4p: Reading from The Memory of Elephants at the River Oaks Bookstore in Houston, Texas.
March 8: Reading from TRIO at The Book Stall, Winnetka, Illinois.

November 3: Reading from TRIO at Barbara's Bookstore, Oak Park, Illinois.
October 1-10: TRIO offered as a premium for broadcast on XLNC1 in Chula Vista, California, for their pledge drive.
September 27: Interview with Cyrus Bharucha at XLNC1 in Chula Vista, California.

December 29: Reading from A Woman Madly in Love at the Zoroastrian Congress in San Jose, California.
March 25: "How Sweet Was My 17" Interview with Shana Verghis for The Pioneer in New Delhi, India.
March 25: "Hello! This Is Boman dialing ... err Writing!" Interview with Zia Us Salam for The Hindu in New Delhi, India.
March 23: "Teenage Tale" Interview with Mohammad Wajihuddin for The Indian Express in Mumbai, India.
March 20: Launching A Woman Madly in Love at Crossword Bookstore in Mumbai, India, with a reading.
March 14: "Because Love Has No Barriers" Interview with Indira Rodericks for Afternoon Despatch and Courier in Mumbai, India.
February 24: "Boman's Woman" Interview with Shougat Dasgupta for Today in Delhi, India.
October 4: Reading from The Memory of Elephants at the Darbe Mehr, Hinsdale, Illinois.
July 6: Reading from The Memory of Elephants at the ZAC in Chicago, Illinois.
March 11: Reading from The Memory of Elephants at the University of Illinois at Chicago in Chicago, Illinois.
March 4: "I Belong Among Writers" Interview with Anupreeta Das for The Indian Express in Mumbai, India.
February 28: Reading from Asylum, USA, at the Turtle Cafe, New Delhi, India.
February 22: Reading from Asylum, USA, at The American Center, Mumbai, India.
February 20: "Many Jobs, One Vocation" Interview with Kushalrani Gulab for The Times of India in Mumbai, India.
June: Illinois Arts Council Grant awarded for "Under the Moon" from The Memory of Elephants.
June: A short story, "A Fine Madness," wins the Stand Magazine prize in Newcastle, England.